Myths about Blind Drop Ship That Need to Be Busted

 Many businesses today opt for drop or blind shipping to deliver their products. This kind of shipping enables them to maintain their privacy and eliminate local handling. Also, this shipping has provided retailers the chance to achieve essential business objectives by expanding both product range and customer base. 

Despite several benefits, still many businesses and customers do not rely on the drop shipping due to several outdated myths. Taking this into consideration we have created this post to bust all the myths that are causing people to not consider blind shipping. Let us know about it in detail.

Myth #1: Suppliers don’t care

The first myth about blind drop ships is that suppliers involved in the shipping of the product don't care much about the product and do not provide quality service. But it is wrong, if you are connected with a reliable blind shipping agency then there is no doubt your product will be delivered in the time without much hassle as most of the suppliers now opting to go direct to consumers for better service.

Myth #2: Quality of experience is compromised

For every business, the experience of their customers is the first thing that decides their credibility. Thus most businesses think that opting blind shipping to deliver products leads to improper service(fake orders, missing orders, an inability to respond to changing customers, multiple supplier relationships). Well, all these aspects of shipping are wrong. There is a need to understand that nowadays drop shipping can be controlled and provide real-time visibility of the entire order and shipment process.

Myth #3: Dropshipping takes time to deliver a product

Most people think that involving Blind Drop Ship to deliver the products will take more time rather than other methods. But it’s not true, nowadays everyone is connected with technology and there is hardly any chance that drop shippers take time to deliver products. As now it allows customers to track their shipment and know about the date and time of arriving of their products making it a reliable option.

Now, if you got cleared about all the myths related to drop shipping and looking to get the best Blind Shipping Services then, Ship Customer Direct is the right place to visit. They take control of your shipments keeping customers and factories hidden. Right from pick up, customs clearance, and delivery they manage everything to provide hassle-free delivery of the products. It is best to visit their website to know about their services in detail.


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